

Testimonials and Messages of Support 

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Thank you so very, very much for sending me this video; and for including my name in your sponsor list.
I wish you great success with this book; it is really gorgeous. Some day I hope to come to Yangon and see the buildings you have so beautifully photographed.

Again, thank you,
Judy Frane

I’m writing to you on behalf of the Minister for the Arts, the Hon Tony Burke MP, to congratulate you for the incredible work you have undertaken in the Asian region over the last 12 months… Your project was highly commended in recognition of its artistic merit and its contribution to strengthening the cultural relationships between Australian and Asian artists.”
Sally Basser, First Assistant Secretary, Office for the Arts

Dear Jacques
I’m sorry I won’t be able to join you for the exhibition opening, but I’m sure it will be a terrific event. With all the interest in Myanmar, and with the particular importance and intrigue of its spectacular urban heritage, the exhibition is very timely.  Congratulations on bringing all this together – I hope it will help bring about more understanding about Myanmar and Australia’s engagement here.
Best wishes for the event, and hope to see you when you’re next in town.
Kind regards
Bronte Moules
Australian Embassy YangonRoger B. Australia

Jacques, I would dearly like to say “THANK YOU” so much for the personal signed book for me. I am speechless at this point of how happy i am to have pictures of my own country, taken by the best, friendliest professional photographer ever. I may not be the best interpreter, but i’m sure i can touch your heart by my gestures of hospitality when you come back again. Zarni mentioned he enjoyed the exhibition as well.
I’m sure you had a great time, last time as well and i dearly can’t wait to have you back again this Dec,Jan for our BIG TRIP.So proud to have met you!
Khine n Ag – Thant Hotel Bagan (Myanmar)

It was an honour meeting you Jacques, I am extremely proud to see someone taking a step to promote our burmese culture and also reminding the heritages importance in Australia.
Zarni Jona Lwin

Sat down and had a good read of it with a glass of red wine over the weekend Jacques. Took me right back to 1980 when I visited Burma, I love the old colonial buildings, one reason why I went to Bangladesh a few years ago. A beautiful book! Must get back there soon, as you say,

Dave C. UK

Hi Jacques, – just to let you know of the safe arrival of the book.
I have only had chance for a brief pre-view of it but feel already quite moved at the beauty of the photos, both in respect of the buildings portrayed, but perhaps even more so of the flavour of the people and characteristics of the Burma I first experienced some 12 or so years ago. You have captured this so wonderfully well. Many congratulations!

Needless to say, I am delighted with the book and would be happy to be alerted to any similar projects you might be involved in.
Many thanks
Warmest wishes and greetings from UK

Joan M.

Hi Jacques,
I came across your site by great good fortune.  Last Saturday I heard an interview on the radio with Kim Buddee, an Australian architect & film set designer, who published “Once was Burma” in 2012.  His photos mainly concentrate on Yangon & he also loves the old colonial buildings.  In trying to trace his publisher, I came across a reference to your photos.  (By the way, on my last visit in Dec 2012 I found the book “30 Heritage Buildings of Yangon”, which gave me heart that the developers might be slowed down &/or thwarted.)

I must congratulate you on the important influence of your gallery showing – and for getting into the Secretariat.  For the last few years, since the Govt moved to Nay Pyi Taw, I’ve longed to walk the corridors of the Secretariat.  I’ve haunted the perimeter & tried to cajole a guard or a gardener into letting me in.   They just laughed good-humouredly at the little old lady of 77 with her digital camera.  So I have many snapshots of the outside, taken on tippy-toe across the barbed wire or from the balcony of friendly strangers living above shops on the opposite side of the street.

I am so looking forward to the arrival of your book.  Thank you for producing it.



“I received my copy of Yangon – A City To Rescue today and wanted to say thank you! My partner and I traveled to Myanmar earlier this year and absolutely fell in love with it. Yangon was stunning and we were delighted to come across your book. Thank you again! We’ll be sure to stop by the exhibition in Brisbane in August!”
Cailin Bray – Australia

“Dear Jimi and Jacques

Salute to you! A great job. I wholeheartedly support the project for
the book.
Please see below for a copy of my comment I submitted at Irrawaddy
Magazine after I read the article and viewed the pictures you shot.
Thanks a trillion for doing a great job.
Please keep me posted about the progress and publishing of the book.
God bless you.
Best regards.”
Burmeseblood (Saudi Arabia)
Oh my Beloved Motherland, Burma. Oh my Beloved Birthplace, Rangoon.
You are Magnificent, Unique and Wonderful. I appeal to the people of
Burma, the government of Burma, UN and World Heritage agencies
(whatever they are called), Cultural Attachés at Foreign Embassies in
Burma, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the like of them to please help
save these and MANY other buildings, structures, pagodas, temples,
churches, mosques and synagouges in Rangoon and ALL over Burma. Their
historical and national heritage value is IMMEASUREABLE. Pleeeease
help……..!!!! GOD will bless you if you help preserve them. If you
don’t the world will cry forever….no amount of money, billions and
trillions of dollars would ever be able to bring them back.”
“Vos photos sont superbes et la cause que vous défendez l’est encore plus !
Nous allons diffuser les liens vers vos photos sur les réseaux sociaux.”
Célestine Foucher pour Info Birmanie (France)

“Dear Jacques,

I read about your photos and the planned book on Irrawaddy.org. I watched all of the photos on your website and was thrilled to see  that wonderful colonial architecture and at the same time saddened by the idea that many of the building are in danger to be sacrificed for the so-called “Economic Development. I wanted to contribute to make that book come alive.
I have a good friend in Yangon and I will visit the country in December and hope to see all the architecture with my own eyes. The photos I will be able to take will certainly pale in comparison to yours.
I am looking forward to receiving the book once sufficient donors have made their contributions.
All the best and good look for your further projects.”
Gerd (Germany)
Dear Jacques,
 Yes, this payment is a donation for your most beautiful book. It would be a terrible shame if these buildings were to be torn down; your book is helping to insure that are not.
I read “Irrawaddy” every day and found information about your photographs on the website. Over the last six years I have spent quite a lot of time in Laos and would like someday to come to Burma; I would hope to see these and other buildings while I am there.
 Most sincerely,
 Judy Frane (USA)
The photographs are magnificent. The buildings need to be saved.
There is a capition error on the photo of the church MG9865. It’s
actually the Methodist Church on Bo Myat Tun Street, formerly Creek
Street. The man in the foreground is U Aung Than, the caretaker who
has worked there for more than 50 years.
zali win (USA)
Like to express my thanks for your great work, As a Burmese, I’ve
always been proud of our capital city Yangon. Also feel very exciting
about your book and project. I just like to make a correction if you
don’t mind. the description about a photo saying young monk, actually
they are Norvice Nan, not the monk. Thanks
aye than (Australia)

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